Thursday, February 28, 2008

Master Teaching

Studies have proven that no matter what background that you come from, you achieve more in the classroom by a teacher who is highly-qualified.

No matter what the situation is, your always going to have students, parents, administrators, or other co-workers complaining about the way a teacher teaches. Insted of complain about the situation why not see what they suggest we do about it.

Members of the Teacher Leaders Network (a virtual community of 340 experienced educators) particpate in a daily online discussion. In these discussions they explore and debate what works in education and what doesn't.

The main suggestion of these highly qualified teachers is, they suggest that instead of throwing new teachers into the field to have them have a mentor. To have someone who has experience to show them the ropes. By having someone there to help you through the times that you are not yet prepared for as a teacher. I personally think this is a good idea.


Rath of Un said...

It is important to get guidance from older more experienced teachers is key seeing as they were first year teachers once them selves and have gone though some of the problems that you are facing.

Matthew Velez said...

Qualifications are not the only thing that make a good teacher. For example, a teacher with more experience maybe more adept at explaining difficult concepts to students than a teacher with the best qualifications. I agree that its more important for a mentor to be more experienced than qualified.